The E*TRADE Developer Platform is a set of web services and related resources that make it easy to create customized applications that integrate the data and functions provided at etrade.com and via E*TRADE Mobile and Pro clients.

Using the platform, E*TRADE customers can build their own custom solutions or can use third-party applications to enhance their trading experience with powerful active trading tools, social investing, and market intelligence.

Your application needs a "consumer key" to access to our services. It only takes a few business days to get a key for our "sandbox" service and not much longer than that for a key to our actual production service. You'll also need an E*TRADE account, which may take a few business days to set up.

We suggest you sign up for an account and start reading the introductory documentation, which explains how to apply for a consumer key.

Nothing. The platform is free for developers to use. When people use your application for trading, E*TRADE makes the same small per-trade fee as it does on the public E*TRADE website. This pays for the cost of creating and maintaining the developer platform.

Release notes

The V1 of our API has a number of merits: it provides greater data detail per response giving developers more info per call. The V1 also features an encrypted account ID sent via URL for increased security. Additionally, this offering handles errors more smoothly, providing richer context through error codes and explanations.

We’ve released a robust, easy to navigate Swagger page providing better documentation for API external developers. Our new documentation page offers better coverage on fields, expanded functionality for increased shareability for collaboration, and an easier to navigate method of delivery. Through this format, external developers can better assess the API capabilities and field offerings before coding and refer to this guide as they develop their applications.

In addition to our V1 API and robust Swagger documentation, we’ve released a Python-based example app. This app will help you to understand how best to code with our API and give you a basis of how the endpoints and modules interact to help you create a number of different features for trading with your E*TRADE account. We plan to create a number of other example apps in different programming languages to provide guidance to a wider audience of external developers.

Contact us

If you need to get in touch with the Developer Platform team, please give us a call at 1-800-387-2331 and mention the E*TRADE API.